

Hololens transforming the world of Medicine

| July 9, 2015 | 3 Comments

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Check out this awesome promo from Microsoft, showing just a tiny snippet of what Hololens can bring to the Medical world. In terms of teaching, it can transform how anatomy is taught, taking it away from what most will see in 2D pictures and actually experience 3D parts within their environment. My anatomy tutors have always been proud that they get to teach using cadavers. The human body is a 3D marvel, even down to the cellular level, you really need to experience them in 3D. But not all medical schools have that kind of teaching facility. Hololens can bring students closer to the cadaver experience and more so as it can animate, separate, magnify organs and systems like never before.

Things like muscle origin, insertion, innervation and blood supply – these things can be quite complex even with a cadaver. Hololens can show you each different layer of muscle and show you precisely where on the bone this muscle would be attached to. I know that when I had to learn anatomy, I found iPad apps that did just this extremely helpful. With Hololens, you can do that as well as interact with the holographic body which can be seen in life size.

I guess the next step after the visuals are perfected is to simulate textures.

Something like Hololens would be awesome in actual medical practice. e.g. seeing scans in full 3D.

Cheers Luca for the tip!


Category: Microsoft

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