

Jobs advertising at Nokia Technologies Ozo page, Sunnyvale California (e.g. Senior Engineer, Android)

| July 29, 2015 | 1 Comment

Screen Shot 2015-07-29 at 05.30.32Over at the page for Nokia’s OZO launch, from their Nokia Technologies Arm, they’ve shared a link to the Nokia Technologies Jobs linked in page. They’re all at Sunnyvale California.

At the moment there are 27 positions from Consumer Insight Manager, to Head of Sales down to Lead Engineer of Cloud Services and Senior Scientist of Applied Physiology.

Since July 14 they’ve posted a job search for Senior Engineer for Android. Is this for their current line up (Z-Launcher, Nokia N1, other Android compatible apps like HERE or future Nokia Android Phone?).

Screen Shot 2015-07-29 at 05.32.53

There’s a principal engineer job that looks for Android experience too. But the Senior Engineer for Android?

The Product Innovation and Engineering group within Nokia Technologies is looking for an experienced Software Engineer to join its Client Engineering team. Yeah it seems to be about N1 and Z Launcher. For now. 😛


Product Innovation and Engineering is a core component of Nokia Technologies’ Brand Partnerships business and is responsible for innovating and delivering key differentiating elements to current and future products such as the Nokia N1 Android tablet.


You will be responsible for working closely with other engineers, product managers, user-experience designers to design and develop the user experience of our adaptive, predictive Z Launcher application using technologies such as Java and the Android SDK and development tools.



    • Deep technical knowledge of Android application development. One or more published applications is a plus.

    • Confidence to take on big problems with minimal guidance and deliver innovative solutions.

    • Smart, analytical, and creative problem solver

    • Ability to work at conceptual project level (architecture, design, tasks

    • Ability to Identify and focus on priorities.

    • Ability to work in an iterative manner with product management to refine requirements in a highly-paced fast-changing environment.


Category: Nokia

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