

Windows 10 Launch Day today!

| July 29, 2015 | 1 Comment

windowsHurray! Today is the global launch day for Windows 10.

Free upgrades pretty much for those who are already using Windows and continual updates for those already on the preview programme. 

Upgraded by.  an ancient acer that had seen the last of its days and other than some physical faults that couldn’t be corrected,  I was so surprised how nice and fast it was to use. There were some buggy things in the browser (edge)  but I was again,  pleasantly surprised that I was able to ditch chrome as my main browser (though why does edge not understand math in the url bar? It thinks I’m typing I addresses). 

Multitasking is great and the desktop thing I reckon works even better than how my mac does it (though the at does have a nicer multitude track pad swipe between them). I like that I can have completely different desktops,  so I can have a messy one for social, and an organised one for work. 

There’s a windows launch event in London that I’m likely attending transport permitting this evening. Anyone else here coming?


Category: Nokia

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