

Video: Nokia C1 Teaser and intro, Xenon, LED, Dual Cameras #MyDreamNokia #Concept

| December 15, 2016 | 3 Comments

Here’s a teaser video for the Nokia C1 Concept device. Made by user, ‘Concept Creator’, they’ve got quite a few impressive fan made concepts that look pretty good considering, like their S8 concept.

As a teaser, you just see glimpses (kinda like some old Nokia teaser vids).

Kinda reminds me of this:

Or of course, this.

After the teaser…their full take on the intro video:

No out of the ordinary specs. The design makes me think of Sony for some reason.

S8…the whole lens explosion thing that seems quite common now. Good work though.

Source: Concept creator

Via: Concept Phones



Category: Concept, Dream Nokia, Nokia

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