

Video: Nokia 6 hands on and quick camera test vs One Plus 3T

| January 11, 2017 | 3 Comments

This channel appears to reupload videos and then some how ‘reviews’ them from a few seconds worth of someone else’s content (PConline is the original).  But it is the first hands on video I’ve seen of the Nokia 6 plus there’s some supposed comparison shots against the One Plus 3T. It’s difficult to judge since this is a video and reuploaded at that.

I think they’re trying to explain their findings of the video.

If that is something the Nokia 6 produces then it appears happily usable (which is more than can be said of my X2. I feel like I’ve gone to 7250 days).

I really have no idea what to make of this ‘review’. It’s annoying enough to pass of a quick hands on as a review but to use someone else’s after a few seconds of demo and then call it a review. Also it’s really difficult to understand what’s being said due to the difficulty in translation. Speaking another language is no mean feat so kudos for attempting.


Seems responsive. The aim is to stay that way after half a year (neither of my Samsung Android handsets have ever not become the lagmaster of death. I’m 2-3 months in with the midranger X2 and let me tell you it is way more responsive and reliable than my S6 edge plus. Is this a Samsung thing or should I expect the same after longer use?)


Source: PConline via CLG

Cheers Pablo for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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