

Event: Day 2 of MeeGo Conference – MeeGo Handset UX Roadmap this afternoon

| November 16, 2010 | Reply

Day 2 of the first ever MeeGo Conference is already upon us. Like yesterday you can watch most of the main keynotes at

One particular session I wanted to check out was at 4:30pm GMT where user experience (not device) Roadmap will be discussed. Unfortunately I don’t think we’ll get live stream of the presentation slides – just the presenters.

MeeGo Handset UX Roadmap

The session will give an introduction into the MeeGo Handset UX activities and its current status, the vision and goals, the roadmap and deliverables in particular hardware profiles. It will also address the compliance plans, the participants and co-operation model, and how to get involved.

Attendees on the show floor have a much more varied range of streams and talks to physically attend. You can check the full programme out here.

Notable stufs:

From 9am till 6pm I’ll be pretty much out of the loop as I’m away all day (today’s the reason I couldn’t go to MeeGo Conference). I’ll try to keep up with things over mobile. Who knows what surprises are coming today. More freebies like yesterday’s Lenovo IdeaPad for EVERYONE (Jealous or what, I was totally green with envy. MeeGo touch hybrid notebook) or shocker partnerships such as AMD joining nemesis Intel at MeeGo Project?

Today the attendees finish the day with a Guinness Storehouse event! 😮

Main Streams for Day 2, 16th November 2010

09:00-09:45 – MeeGo Application Developer Ecosystem: the current status and the challenges ahead

09:45 – 10:25 – Community Anti-Patterns

10:45 – 11:25 – MeeGo on N900; The past, present and future

11:30 – 12:10 – Role Reversal: Mobile Device Trends Accelerating Open Platforms

13:00 – 1:40 – Development process for 3rd Party MeeGo Application Developers

13:45 – 14:25 – MeeGo community OBS and repositories

14:45 – 15:25 – MeeGo Community application support end-to-end story

15:30 – 16:10 – MeeGo and OBS: Current state and roadmap

16:30 – 17:10 MeeGo Handset UX Roadmap

17:15 – 17:55 – BoF: Towards the best Qt experience on MeeGo

18:00 – 18:40 – BoF – MeeGo Infrastructure

Day 2 – November 16th, 2010

8:00-9:00: Continental Breakfast
9:00-12:00: Sessions
12:10-13:00: Lunch Provided
13:00-17:10: Sessions
17:15-18:40: BOFs: Birds of a Feather Sessions
Evening: Guinness Storehouse event


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Category: MeeGo

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