

EU cancels €22M SYMBEOSE project funding

| May 24, 2011 | 27 Replies

Remember that ambitious plan for a big embedded European OS? No? Well it was a project to build an embedded OS for Europe and was to be built by the Symbian foundation.

Allaboutphones is now reporting that project has been cancelled, there have been no payments from the EU to the Symbian Foundation and probably will never be done either. All this isn’t unexpected, with Symbian changing completly inside 6 months from an open OS to a closed OS and being under supervision of one commercial company. The whole vision of SYMBEOSE was that it would be free to use and everyone could contribute to it.

With Symbian being phased out by Nokia and with the cancelling of the SYMBEOSE project it seems Symbian will go the happy hunting grounds in the near future.


Category: Nokia

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