

Nokia closing online shops in France, Spain and the Netherlands

| June 2, 2011 | 10 Replies

Nokia closed their online shops in France, Spain and the Netherlands as of 31st of May. In those three countries potential Nokia buyers no longer have the ability to buy straight from Nokia.

Nokia has not given a reason as to why the shops are closed but presumably it wasn’t profitabel anymore to keep them open. Considering the pricing they had for phones it is a logical decision, Nokia’s own store is/was often the most expensive shop to buy from if you compared them to other online stores. And with the amount of alternative shops growing each year, a dedicated Nokia shop would have a hard time to compete with that.

There is no indication that stores in other countries will close, but it remains a possibility that it could happen.
People who ordered items from Nokia prior to the closing of the stores can contact Nokia Care for information on their order.


Category: Nokia

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