

Video: Nokia N950 720p Video Sample – Under Water (and handset comparison)

| July 15, 2011 | 9 Replies

So zejotkah is testing out the video capabilities of his dev kit Nokia N950 and what better place to put it of course than in a pool.

Say what?

I’m not sure if he’s put a case around it (most likely) which would deteriorate quality (though youtube has a knack for upping contrast and making quality worse)

Oh, zehjotkah’s youtube has another video comparing N950 with other handsets (810, N900, HTC Touch HD and Palm Pre 2)





Cheers ukko for the tip!

BTW, this is NOT indicative of what N9 will produce (of which video performance is not final either). N950 cam department is not a commercial product so would most likely not receive improvement on that department (that’s not why devs hav N950 in the first place).


Category: MeeGo, Nokia, Nseries

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