

Video: Bounce it – demoed on Nokia N8 – Free at Ovi Store.

| August 5, 2011 | 7 Replies


Found this game on the Ovi Store the other day. It’s quite simple but quite addictive.

You must get the ball towards the goal. Easy?

  • The ball bounces and you must direct it my drawing lines from which the ball will bounce
  • The lines disappear when bounced upon
  • Try to get the least amount of bounced lines possible
  • As usual, it gets harder with every level – and there are quire a lot of levels
  • The free version is supported with ads. You can skip them but you can help out the developer I think by clicking the banner now and again.


Video Link

Cover is the otterbox.


Category: Applications, Games, Nokia, Nseries, Symbian

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