Videos: Nokia N900 Threaded SMS/IM/Skype, HTML email and shortcuts presented by the Maemo 5 UI team.
These 3 videos like the previous 2 demonstrate: threaded SMS/IM; HTML email; and shortcuts from the N900.
Threaded SMS/Instant Messaging – Conversation
You can view send/receive text messages like how you’d chat via Instant Messaging. Your outgoing messages and replies are threaded together so you can see your conversations with that contact. You can quickly switch to IM by pressing their avatar, however, with unlimited SMS becoming the norm, text-messaging based instant messaging is an extremely good alternative.
Also note additional telephony with SKYPE. You can use kype IM/Call, googletalk, and with additional plugins, other IM services. Inbuilt Skype over 3G. Yum.
HTML Email
Maemo 5 Shortcuts, keyboard and on screen
Like your PC, the N900 has Ctrl C for copy and Ctrl V for pasting. Another neat feature the N900 seems to have is inbuilt screen capture (is this just for web browser or for everything?).
As well as demonstrating how copy and paste works, this video shows you how to move about within the browser and across multitasking windows.
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