

Weather Widget Officially available for Nokia Belle at Nokia Beta Labs

| March 1, 2012 | 17 Replies


We’ve had a fair few posts talking about new widgets for Belle. The Weather widget was a popular one but it wasn’t there at the Belle update, though it was possible to install with a ‘hack’.

You can now install this official Weather Widget on Nokia Belle.


Nokia Weather Widget

The Nokia Weather widget displays the current weather and forecast in your current location or any other selected city in the world. This package contains two versions of the widget – Weather now and Weather forecast. Weather now displays only the current weather information, Weather forecast displays also a two day forecast.


  • Search and select a fixed location. By default the widget displays the weather information of your current location.
  • Information is updated automatically every 3 hours for fixed locations and every hour otherwise.
  • Tap the widget to open the Weather application (part of Nokia Maps Suite 2.0) that shows detailed forecast. If Maps 3.09 or newer is installed, weather application will open forecast of the same location as is shown in widget. If you have not installed Nokia Maps Suite 2.0, the Weather application will always open to the detailed forecast for your current location.

Cheers Mark for the tip!



Category: Applications, Nokia, Symbian

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