

Flickr Partners With Nokia To Enhance Mapping Experience

| June 29, 2012 | 8 Replies

Dar es Salaam

Flickr have put out a post on their official blog about ways in which they’re improving the Mapping experience associated with their site.

First, we’ve partnered with Nokia to bring you their map style and satellite images. Whether you’re geotagging one of your photos, discovering places, or simply want to see where other people’s amazing images were taken – you’ll see up-to-date maps from one of the largest and best mapping providers in the world. Our new maps will provide you a much greater level of detail and let you zoom in much further than before.

This sort of recognition is good for Nokia. They have been ahead of the industry in their location services and imaging capabilities. With the 808 PureView, they made their mark. With the announcement of Windows Phone 8, Nokia also put their stamp down with regards to location services, by having Nokia Maps integrated into the OS. Now, having Flickr using the service, Nokia’s mapping technologies have a further reach. Let’s hope this helps attract consumers to Nokia Devices

Source: Flickr Blog via  TNW


Category: Nokia

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Hi! My name is Michael. I currently live in Sydney, working on all things Digital Marketing. I have a real passion for the latest technology and I'm a real Nokia buff! My aim is to keep those of you, like myself, updated with the latest in what's going on in the Nokia World. Get in touch on Twitter via @MFaroTusino, or even simply drop me an email at mike.mnb[at] or tips[at]