Washington Post's N900 Review: Hard to beat multimedia features
The Washington post has reviewed the N900 and its raw power is getting much positive feedback there too.
- Despite being resistive, the screen is quite responsive.Very pleasing call quality, loud and clear.
- Multitasking is beautiful, handling multiple apps without any sluggishness
- Swapping between one app to another is simple
- The browser is a smooth and speedy experience
- Excellent video supporting a wide range of video codecs ( meaning most videos will play without conversion or third party software – though third party software is already available for free should you need it]
- The Nokia N900 is a powerful smartphone with many options for customization and tinkering
As usual the major problems again are with the physical properties of the N900. Software wise, though a working progress [“step 4/5”] it’s looking really good!
- top row of the keyboard cramped
- it is fatter than many current generation smartphones
- There is a learning curve with how the back button/menu/desktop/multitasking thing operates as it’s all from one button. This could be easily fixed in a firmware update where you have a separate button to access menu/desktop and multitask view/desktop. I also found this slightly frustrating during the first few days of N900 use but now I’m more less fully accustomed to how this works. When you get past that learning curve, the N900 IS very easy to nagivate – you’ve just got to understand the Maemo logic. But for the sake of “intuitiveness” or “pick up and play” then this does need some addressing by the Maemo crew. [ I’ll be making a post in a bit on “things that need sorting in the N900”]
Via washington post
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TechnoBuffalo’s Nokia N900 Review: Simple but versatile UI – 8/10
ITPro’s Nokia N900 Review: 5 stars – A breath of Fresh air!
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