

AAS’ Steve Litchfield compares the Nokia Lumia 1020 with the Nokia 808 PureView

| July 31, 2013 | 199 Replies


Whilst the media has already overwhelmingly crowned a new King in the Nokia Lumia 1020 for the best camera phone, 808 fans, at least for IQ, aren’t convinced.


Can the Lumia 1020, with its slightly smaller (though BSI) sensor and image processing differences, deliver images that are as good as those from the existing Symbian-based Nokia 808?” On the whole, yes.

The end result though is that the Lumia 1020 does live up to the Nokia 808’s heritage.

For some 808 users, it’s important for them to have comparisons to know whether it would be worth it moving to the Nokia Lumia 1020. Those are the ones genuinely willing to try WP. Then there are others that just try to rain on the Lumia parade and whinge and whine at every opportunity that praises to 1020 to go see what the 808 is capable of.

But Steve along with the media are both really impressed with the capabilities of the 1020. The 1020 is the latest flagship, it’s what’s going up against the galaxies, iPhones and whatnot. Not the 808. The 1020, quite importantly as the reviewers have mentioned is also a great phone. Whilst 808 may have more in the list of features, it seems the 1020 edges it out in terms of usability.

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Of course, the 808 will never be forgotten. Just today we saw how a photo from a 808 won an award and we’ll always go on to showcase what our readers show us.

The main difference between 1020 and 808?

Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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