

Video: How to: Get improved US Windows Phone Bing Search features in the UK for your Nokia Lumia

| August 13, 2013 | 16 Replies

Screen Shot 2013-08-13 at 17.47.23I was talking to Ali and Michael over Whatsapp a while ago where they were telling me about the swipe left gesture in the Bing app that they had. Now, I didn’t know what they heck they were talking about as it wasn’t on my 920 or 925.

This video explains everything. Their Bing Search was set to US (or perhaps another country that would allow that). Mine was set on UK.

The language need not change. Go to Settings>Language+Region>Browser+Search Language (English United States).

No need to press back as instructed in the video you can press the Bing button straight away. The additions seem quite useful given the relatively minor use I give to that Bing button. You get cool things like local stuff/offers, in headlines, what’s in the cinema – and they do work for my area at least (and not simply stuck to US).

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James Croft

Cheers Will for the tip!


Category: Applications, Nokia, Windows Phone

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