

Some more of Next Gen Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 stuff – most already in Lumias

| January 14, 2014 | 6 Replies


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We’ve seen some of what Qualcomm is going to bring in the 805 in their own demoes but here are some that WPC shot.

It’s interesting that a lot of what we see, are already featured in Lumia.

  • Refocus
  • Assertive Display
  • Super High resolution (In the video below, towards the end, this is interesting. It actually enhances an image or at least appears to. Something useful perhaps for lower res devices, unlike the 1020/808 which takes huge detail to begin with)
  • Dual capture – with and without flash and then combining the two. Not everyone has the option to have a better camera like the 1020, but if you do have the likes of 1020’s imaging power, imagine how much better the successor with the 805 chip could be?

The processing power looks insane. 4K video processing looks a breeze. I don’t know if it’s just because my desktop PC is old/using Vegas/made from Acer but it dies when I try to render 1080p video or just takes forever.

Hopefully, faster loading and shot to shot times? With the 1020 there was a lot Nokia wanted to do, but were limited based on the fact that it takes a lot to juggle all of this data. Burst shots of 8x41MP? Perhaps not even with the 805 but in the future that might not be so far fetched.


Windows Phone Central·


Category: Nokia

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