

SkyDrive to OneDrive delivering Extra 3GB storage today for Auto-uploads

| March 5, 2014 | 2 Replies

MNBScreen Shot 2014-03-05 at 13.54.54onedriveAs previously stated, in the change of branding from SkyDrive to OneDrive (to due BSkyB thinking it would be confused with their products…) MS offered an extra 3GB for those who used the auto upload feature. Something I’ve been a major fan of since first going WP.

Today I received my confirmation that I’ve got that 3GB extra space and an apology for the delay in getting it.

You can also get a referral bonus of 0.5GB (up to 5GB). Here’s my referral link. You would also get an additional 0.5GB.

My total is 148GB online space. Surface tablet owners also get 200GB free. I think I started with 7GB, got a free education storage or loyal user thingy extra storage  and then upgraded with 100GB purchased storage. There’s also that 1 year free 20gb.  70.1GB in use at the moment.

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Cheers Rodel for the heads up!


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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