

China ahead of South Korea as top Smartphone Manufacturer

| December 9, 2014 | 1 Reply

huawei-logo_large_verge_medium_landscapeThe Chinese smartphone manufacturers have overtaken their South Korean competitors.

The nine from  China comprises of Huawei, Lenovo, Xiaomi, Coolpad, ZTE, TCL, Vivo, Oppo and Gionee. I haven’t heard of for of these,  but they make up  31.3% of smartphone marketshare.  This is up against 30.3% of ‘just’ Samsung and LG.

It’s funny to think that back in the day,  Nokia had a bugger share than both these countries combined! Actually,  more than everyone else combined.

But times are different now.  The Chinese smartphone makers are offering high end specs at lower prices pushing their share from 14.6% in 2012.  And it’s not just high end smartphones too; their super low entry ones are very cheap (Note also recent reports that Android tablets were eating it’d share).

Comeback-kid, Nokia,  is trying a similar approach.  They’re attempting to tackle China first with a high end tablet at an almost entry level price.

Source: CNET


Category: Nokia

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