

Video: Full Windows on ARM

| December 9, 2016 | 1 Reply

screen-shot-2016-12-09-at-22-59-39As you may have heard, Full Windows can now run on ARM. Not the crippled RT version that Nokia had to play with when they attempted a Windows ARM tablet. It’s a full Windows that supports those legacy Windows apps.

This could mean a bigger breakthrough for the use of something like Windows Continuum. Where instead of a pseudo Windows desktop like experience from your phone, it could actually be full Windows. Performance on mobile processors though, could they be decent enough? Like for current expectations of relatively basic movie editing or even PC gaming? On the gaming side, NVidia’s got some good stuff going on in that Nintendo Switch that looks promising as to show what is capable on mobile.

Photoshop seems to run ‘smoothly’  (it’s one filter) on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820. That’s the same rumoured chipset for the upcoming Nokia phone. Maybe it might be possible to have this and Android as dual boot options.

Windows via TheVerge


Category: Windows Phone

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