
Category: Editorial

Continuum Tips and Tricks – Episode 1: How to use the old Project My Screen feature

Continuum Tips and Tricks – Episode 1: How to use the old Project My Screen feature

| December 3, 2015 | 10 Replies

Advertisements   Dear MNB Readers! I hope everyone is doing well. I have had my Microsoft Lumia 950 for about 2 weeks now and I would like to take the time to cover some of the less covered things about Continuum for phones. Before I get into the Tips and Tricks segment, I want to […]

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Pimping my Band with Nokia Nostalgia!

Pimping my Band with Nokia Nostalgia!

| January 29, 2015 | 5 Replies

Dear MNB Readers! Does that wallpaper on the Microsoft Band look familiar to you? That isn’t a Microsoft made wallpaper…I’ll come back to what’s behind the 12:02…and to the Band. Let’s briefly talk Windows Phone. Since the launch of Windows Phone 7, critics have often spoken out against a perceived lack of customization options for Windows Phone. Depending […]

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From low-end to high-end: Customizable Graphics Settings

From low-end to high-end: Customizable Graphics Settings

| November 24, 2014 | 14 Replies

  Dear MNB Readers! 512MB RAM!!! That combination of numbers and letters is usually enough to turn away the most die-hard Windows Phone supporter as that is usually the death sentence to any hope of a high quality gaming experience or even 100% app compatibility. The end result of having a 512MB device is that you […]

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The Verge: For its era, what was the greatest smartphone of all time?

The Verge: For its era, what was the greatest smartphone of all time?

| September 12, 2014 | 38 Replies

In a recent article over at The Verge, Chris Ziegler declared the Nokia N95 as the best smartphone of that era. What era? Roughly 2006 – 2007 and I’ll throw in 2008 for good measure. A quick glance through the comments shows that smartphone newcomers or users that began using smartphones either at or after the launch […]

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OpEd: Why MS Layoffs Are Not A Surprise & Elop Not To Blame For Nokia’s Demise

OpEd: Why MS Layoffs Are Not A Surprise & Elop Not To Blame For Nokia’s Demise

| July 17, 2014 | 275 Replies

Earlier, we got news of a dramatic shift at Microsoft that potentially will see 18,000 employees displaced and forced to find other opportunities. Most of these will be related to the acquisition of Nokia’s Devices and Services business. We’ve also gotten word of Nokia’s Asha and X devices being ceased, as well as MixRadio now […]

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Weekend Read: the logic behind the Lumia 1520. “the Bandit”

Weekend Read: the logic behind the Lumia 1520. “the Bandit”

| September 15, 2013 | 26 Replies

LAWLESS Its been circulating the news kind of like a dangerous criminal on the loose and its the second worst kept secret ever right after the Lumia 1020. Its been photographed, screenshot and compared to other phones and lets just say it dwarfed all the phones that got near it on the physical side of […]

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Editorial: It’s been fun, but time to #Switch

Editorial: It’s been fun, but time to #Switch

| November 1, 2012 | 109 Replies

It is not easy for me to say this, and frankly I can’t believe I am. If you follow me on twitter, you would know that I have become furious at my N9 recently. To me, the N9 is one of, if not the most, innovative devices of the last decade. When Marko Athisaari announced […]

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How Many Lumias Were Sold in the US Last Quarter? Probably Well Below Half a Million

How Many Lumias Were Sold in the US Last Quarter? Probably Well Below Half a Million

| October 24, 2012 | 84 Replies

The following post doesn’t have any solid “official” numbers to support it, but it does a few to “guide” it towards the point I’m making; in other words this is a HUNCH; don’t prosecute me…please Earlier today At&t launched their quarterly profits announcing total sales of 6.1 Million Smartphones; 4.7 Million of which were iPhones: 6.1 – […]

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Editorial: Travelling Europe with the N9 and Lumia 800

Editorial: Travelling Europe with the N9 and Lumia 800

| August 2, 2012 | 28 Replies

As you most likely know, I spent the last month touring a few countries throughout Europe. I took with me my trusty N9, and the Lumia 800. You’re probably asking, why take both? This is why: N9 has tethering (Tango wasn’t available for 800 when I left) N9 has a better camera Lumia 800 has […]

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