
Category: Qt

Video: Dualboot on the Nokia N950

Video: Dualboot on the Nokia N950

| March 11, 2012 | 18 Replies

Advertisements So if you follow me on twitter, you would know that I had flashed Nemo to my N950 and was fiddling with dual booting. Below is the video I made. It is simple enough really. Turn the phone on like normal, be prompted with a few warnings and a standby screen featuring green text. […]

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#N9Hacks: HomeScreen Backgrounds (App)

#N9Hacks: HomeScreen Backgrounds (App)

| February 14, 2012 | 8 Replies

Jay showed you guys that there was a hack to change the background , and today I am showing you the simplest way to get it enabled, regrettably using the Apple line “there’s an app for that.” The app is called Home Screen Background Settings, and is a GUI that allows the user to change […]

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Maemo 1.3 on the horizon?

Maemo 1.3 on the horizon?

| October 14, 2010 | Reply

While I’m currently in the middle of an all-nighter study/HW/project session, (it’s 2 AM where I’m at right now), some interesting news just filtered into our tips section (Thanks Jim). Over at the MeeGo blog, Harri Hakulinen let out that a Maemo 5 PR 1.3 release was incoming!! Jay will be pleased. Also mentioned was the […]

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