
Category: S60

WOW…..poor Nokia

WOW…..poor Nokia

| June 17, 2010 | Reply

Advertisements I was reading Rafe’s article from the All about Symbian blog on Nokia’s revised outlook for the year and found this link from one of the comments of that post and lead me to this and thought WOW just WOW. Nokia got slated by boingboing and its readers for releasing the X5, now in […]

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Are you tempted…….

Are you tempted…….

| June 15, 2010 | Reply

Now if your are reading this post right now I am assuming that you are some sort of a Nokia fan like me and all the other amazing writers on this blog, but this preview of the Motorola Droid X for the Verizon network in America(presumably for Europe with another name like the Milestone) by […]

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All About the Nokia E73: Video Review Collection

All About the Nokia E73: Video Review Collection

| June 14, 2010 | 1 Reply

Today seems to be the day for Nokia E73 Reviews. Instead of posting them individually, here’s an aggregation of today’s Nokia E73 (Video) Reviews. Mobile Tech Review [youtube=] Engadget Nokia Experts [youtube=] [youtube=] MobileBurn [youtube=] TheAIsacco [youtube=] The Nokia Blog

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Memory Lane, Part 2

Memory Lane, Part 2

| June 10, 2010 | 5 Replies

Following on from part 1, as a new addition to Jay’s team here, here’s a look at what the second half of the last decade looked like for me, in terms of Nokia devices and the evolution of their specifications. My upgrade opportunity in 2007 was well-timed for the arrival of the iconic N95. Until […]

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Memory Lane, Part 1

Memory Lane, Part 1

| June 9, 2010 | 12 Replies

If I had to guess, I suggest that very few readers of this blog would expect to come across a low quality image of an old Psion Series 5mx at the top of an article. Of course, we should never forget that Symbian, at the heart of so many modern Nokia devices, has its roots in […]

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Why the Nokia N8 WON'T be like the Nokia N97. Nokia N8 vs Nokia N97.

Why the Nokia N8 WON'T be like the Nokia N97. Nokia N8 vs Nokia N97.

| June 4, 2010 | 35 Replies

Click X now or prepare for a mighty wall of text. This time last year, we were all in anticipation of Nokia’s hottest flagship – the Nokia N97. A year later, N97 is a dirty word, encapsulating Nokia’s failure to understand the high end. Unfortunately, many N97 users got burned. Myself included. Although there was […]

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New Nokia N97 Firmware v30.0.016 Available according to Nokia

New Nokia N97 Firmware v30.0.016 Available according to Nokia

| June 1, 2010 | 53 Replies

Nokia’s Firmware update checker says that the N97 has a new firmware available, v30.0.016. But Nokia Software Updater and Over The Air update can’t find anything yet. But what we do know is that it’s coming soon. I’ve somewhat lost hope in the firmware updates for the N97. Fingers crossed it lessens my frustrations with […]

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Video: Green Nokia N8 Hands On

Video: Green Nokia N8 Hands On

| May 11, 2010 | Reply

It’s in Chinese but you don’t need to understand to oogle at the Green N8! One does have YouTube’s transcribe feature but that seems to be translating N8 stuff into politics (it only works for english videos so it’s changing chinese words into phonetic english words) If anyone catches anything particularly interesting being said, please […]

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Video: Maemo 5 panoramic homescreen on Nokia N97?

Video: Maemo 5 panoramic homescreen on Nokia N97?

| May 11, 2010 | 7 Replies

The N97 homescreen was quite nice when it was released. But lack of widgets, space and taste of Maemo 5 made it feel extremely old. Here’s a couple of videos showing a Maemo 5 style multiple homescreen on the N97. It uses GDesk like the videos in this 5800 homescreen hack post. Icon apps still […]

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