
Search Results for 'what'

HoloLens initial impressions: It’s real, it’s crazy, it’s incredible! (BTW what about tactile/texture glove interaction?)

HoloLens initial impressions: It’s real, it’s crazy, it’s incredible! (BTW what about tactile/texture glove interaction?)

| January 22, 2015 | Reply

Advertisements Microsoft’s HoloLens is so impressive, it’s rightfully been branded as either fake, simulated, vapourware and similar words of that ilk. All the visual stuff, it’s all real with no lag, everything reacting as if it were real. TheVerge says it was kinda incredible! They thought it was a really smart way to use this […]

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Windows 10 on phones is awesome and all, but what’s still missing?

Windows 10 on phones is awesome and all, but what’s still missing?

| January 22, 2015 | 51 Replies

Windows 10 for phones looks great! So many new welcome improvements. Until the consumer update is ready, there’ll still be improvements that Microsoft will be adding. What do you think Microsoft has left to add? Here’s one: Frequently mentioned is the possibility of split screen. Genuine split screen of all apps and not the appalling […]

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Multitask View: Horizontal individual cards or stacked vertical? What about grid?

Multitask View: Horizontal individual cards or stacked vertical? What about grid?

| December 23, 2014 | 18 Replies

On the left is the task switcher on Android 4.4.4 on the Note 4. On the right is the task switcher on WP8.1. Essentially, they’re the same. Snapshots of the last thing you were doing, neither actually live (like it was say on the Nokia N900…). On the left we have vertical stacked cards. The […]

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I’m trying out Android on the Samsung Galaxy Note 4; what I’ll miss from Nokia Lumia 1520

I’m trying out Android on the Samsung Galaxy Note 4; what I’ll miss from Nokia Lumia 1520

| November 26, 2014 | 27 Replies

A couple of weeks ago we had a discussion about people’s contract renewal plans (autumn seems to be a popular time due to product cycles) and I discussed some of the reasons why I was considering Android. It isn’t a clear cut “I’m leaving Windows Phone or switching”. Here’s why: 1) My contract for […]

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What’s this Reddit Alien doing at Lumia Conversations? #PassiveAgressiveSnoo

What’s this Reddit Alien doing at Lumia Conversations? #PassiveAgressiveSnoo

| November 22, 2014 | 1 Reply

Reddit loves NOKIA and Nokia, now Lumia at Lum Conv loves Reddit. They frequently share in return what reddit thinks of Nokia/Lumia. I’ve only ever noticed now though that their reddit alien seems to be giving a very bold middle finger. It’s supposed to be a thumbs up. Which looks like this (official one from […]

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The Nokia N1 Explained & What it Means for Nokia

The Nokia N1 Explained & What it Means for Nokia

| November 20, 2014 | 3 Replies

Given Nokia’s new announcement of the N1 tablet, there’s a lot of confusion regarding what this actually means for Nokia. Is Nokia back to making devices? When can we expect to see another Nokia phone? Clear up some thoughts about the N1 in the video below:   Source: GeekonGadgets  

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What about Jolla’s big news tomorrow? Jolla Crank revealed :p

What about Jolla’s big news tomorrow? Jolla Crank revealed :p

| November 18, 2014 | 10 Replies

With all the understandably exciting news with the Nokia N1, let’s not forget Jolla will be announcing something Big tomorrow! Some have speculated another Nokia connection since Nokia are licensing their brand. Nokia with Sailfish says some. On twitter, someone pieced together what the device above might be; a Jolla Crank. Or maybe a crank, […]

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NOKIA Reinvented: We at Nokia love the feeling of a fresh start. Can’t wait for what’s next! #thinkingahead

NOKIA Reinvented: We at Nokia love the feeling of a fresh start. Can’t wait for what’s next! #thinkingahead

| November 16, 2014 | 29 Replies

NOKIA tweeted that they love the feeling of a ‘fresh start”. What’s thinking ‘ahead’ for NOKIA eh? We at Nokia love the feeling of a fresh start. Can’t wait for what's next! #thinkingahead — Nokia (@nokia) November 16, 2014 They also tweeted yesterday “Nokia Reinvented” asking “what’s next?” Nokia reinvented. So, what's next? #thinkingahead […]

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What would you like from Jolla’s next device?

What would you like from Jolla’s next device?

| November 15, 2014 | 13 Replies

  Next week, Jolla might be announcing either a phablet or tablet (something big). Their first device was something to cater for the die-hard enthusiast that didn’t mind not having the latest specs but wanted to try something new interaction/OS wise. This time, should Jolla be targeting a wider market? What would you like from […]

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