
Tag: Framestore

Video: Winners of the FX studio app for the Nokia N8

Video: Winners of the FX studio app for the Nokia N8

| August 7, 2010 | 3 Replies

Advertisements Framestore announced the winners of the FX studio app(Reminder). The 3 best ideas are the Magnet Man(1st), Alien Tripod(2nd), and Raining Goo(3rd). Here’s a video about some of the ideas that were submitted for the competition. Magnet Man is at 0:13, Raining Goo is at 0:18, and the Alien Tripod at 0:19. [VIMEO= 13911534] […]

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Video: FX studio, an App for the Nokia N8

Video: FX studio, an App for the Nokia N8

| July 28, 2010 | 10 Replies

Framestore just released five new videos about FX studio. FX studio is a visual effect app that allow you to add special effects to your video clips. Some of these effect includes a headbanging penguin, a ghost, a canon effect, an alien tentacle, a UFO, a zombie arm, a meteor, a laser gun, an explosion […]

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