
Tag: Video Sample

Video: Nokia N900 Video Samples (low light – and also a 16:9 photo sample)

Video: Nokia N900 Video Samples (low light – and also a 16:9 photo sample)

| September 13, 2009 | 2 Replies

Advertisements (Low Light) Video Samples from the Nokia N900. Note, the N900 is not yet at final production software. Also, if you’re watching this within the first few hours of me posting, YouTube may not yet have converted it properly yet. Update: If the video playback appears choppy, it does NOT look like that in […]

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Video Samples: Nokia N97 vs Samsung i8910

Video Samples: Nokia N97 vs Samsung i8910

| June 8, 2009 | Reply

720p on the Samsung i8910 looks stunning, more detail,crisper, at times more natural looking colours. However, the sound is absolutely dreadful, resembling the tinny audio quality of 2004 handsets – this may still be fixed though. The N97’s video also performs very well, some slight over saturation in parts – it also just doesn’t look […]

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