

Next stop, Koh Samui

| January 28, 2008 | Reply

Posted by ShoZu

Off to the airport again in a few hours, this time to Koh Samui (via Bangkok)

So earlier today, I found my way to the Menara tower, the 4th tallest tower in the world, so it was easy enough without any bearing or knowledge of the area to find it. Just keep heading in the direction off the massive tower. I did though manage to find myself in places where it somehow just disappeared, but I eventually did find it.

Posted by ShoZu

With some confidence in getting to the Menara by foot, I thought I could do the same with getting to China town. This time though, I did use Nokia maps, which downloaded the Kuala Lumpur area over the air and allowed me to sort of find my way around (mainly used it to check I was going South East). Thankfully, even with ShoZu, Sports Tracker, Maps, Camera all on simultaneously, the N82 managed to handle them without me having to worry about too much multi tasking. Came across a film crew on the way. . . I tried to think of positive thoughts in NOT succumbing to getting a taxi driver to just bring me to China town, like “I probably would have missed that weren’t I on foot.”

SO..I kept on looking for China town, getting frustrated that the Maps app wasn’t correlating with the printed map I got from reception the longer I didn’t see the buzzing China Town scene. A girl waiting for a bus was kind enough to tell me where I was on the printed map, so I could make my way to China Town (It was on the printed one only). I showed her a picture I had taken of my last known location and Amazingly she said that was China Town. Haha, I had been there and never knew it. I just assumed it was the streets leading up to a big Chinese Town that I had seen in movies.

Followed the monorail track for most of the way back, eventually getting on it so I could get to the hotel quicker. The last station was still about 40 minutes away from the hotel and I just happened to be on the longest stretch of road where Taxis couldn’t stop.

It’s been an amazing two days here in KL. I just couldn’t get over the breathtaking architecture they have here. Not just because they’re tall like the Menara and Petronas Towers, but their shape and form is exquisitely captivating, you just can’t help but stare in amazement of their design.

As I’ve said, next on the list is Koh Samui. I’ll finish off packing my things now and get this posted.

Btw Apologies for certain random pictures being uploaded with no next. ShoZu’s being a bit annoying there.


Category: Event

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