

N-GAGE Gaming on the N97

| December 4, 2008 | Reply

The N97 is more or less has the best form factor for gaming that Nokia has produced so far.


  1. TRUE WIDESCREEN, 16:9 aspect ratio (I will keep stressing this point over and over, I love it)
  2. Landscape tilted screen
  3. Physical Keys – fast action PSP like games
  4. Accelerometer – Wii like games
  5. Touch Screen – DS like games
  6. Huge Memory for storing a huge library of games
  7. Wireless multiplayer – via bluetooth or
  8. Online multiplayer and access to the online aspect of certain games.

Jaakko Kaidesoja, VP from Nokia Games says accelerometer/touch/physical input may not be integrated into an all in one game, but give different dimensions to a wide range of games.


Should the fact that the N97 is being considered another N-Gage platform ease up worries that the N97 has the capable hardware to deliver these graphically demanding features?


Category: Video

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