

Review: Nokia E75 review by IT PRO

| May 2, 2009 | Reply

nokia_e75The E75 review from MobileBurn gave the E75 a “highly recommended” rating, but this review from IT PRO gives the E75 only 3 stars (out of 5). The main feature of the E75 is the keypad, although great for text, IT PRO finds it a major grievance that you have to hold down shift to input numbers, a problem also in the upcoming N97. In conclusion, Richard Goodwin says,

“Nokia hasn’t really come to the table with anything new that is going to change the way people think about mobile phones. That doesn’t necessarily make it a bad phone, it’s just not that good when compared to what’s already out there.”

Now, with that, Richard could have been talking about any Nokia phone out now. The E75 is a good phone, but with many other good phones from other manufacturers, it needs a lot of things to set it apart from the competition. That’s the problem currently with Nokia. We’re not seeing anything new from them.

In evolutionary science, there’s a theory called “Red Queen Hypothesis”, where animals need to develop continually just to keep up with the systems they are co-evolving with. The essence of this theory is from the book, “Through the looking glass” where the Red Queen states,

“…it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!”

It feels like Nokia is just evolving in response to other manufacturers when instead, they should be pushing revolutionary changes of their own, to make everyone else try to keep up with  them instead of the other way around.



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Category: 3rd edition, 5th Edition, Nokia, Reviews

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