

Video: Nokia N97 is lightning fast!

| May 4, 2009 | 0 Comments

Exaggerations aside, this latest video of the Nokia N97 – it looks really fast. It’s not in English but you don’t really need to hear what’s being said to appreciate the speed of the N97 here.


Note the video is in HD, but since the camera cannot focus up close, it’s blurry throughout the video.

Watch between 00:46 – 00:47, the transition between landscape to portrait was near seamless. Same again when going from portrait to landscape (QWERTY open) at 00:56 – 00:57. The only thing that bugs me now is the actual animation during the transition. Don’t get me wrong, I want animated transitions, it’s just the one used seems a little out of place. But that’s just my personal preference, and it’s not bad at all – I’m just being pedantic now.

Although it shouldn’t be a big issue that the N97 transitions are now relatively fast (watch again between 01:01 and 01:02), a few of posts back, the transitions weren’t this smooth and it was a cause for concern that it was taking such a long time. This was after the revelations of the “wimpy” processor which a lot feared would hamper the N97’s performance.

It’s conceivable that either something was sorted out since then , or that these N97 being demonstrated don’t all have the same build (firmware wise at least) as some are appearing faster than others. Hopefully that has nothing to do with the amount of content the phone has or background processes running at the time (there’s no point if the N97 is only fast when it’s doing nothing).

Carphonewarehouse says Mid-June for the N97! It cannot come any sooner. (As well as exams being over and summer holidays beginning – Nokia N97 – yeah!)


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Category: 5th Edition, Nokia, Nseries, S60, Symbian, Video

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