Nokia Star Trek Micro Site
As a self confessed Star Trek fan, I just loved the rebirth of the franchise with XI. So did 10 other mates who weren’t that particularly fussed about Star Trek. It’s endearing to see any of the Star Trek series and notice that their “advanced handheld touch devices” can actually be replaced by slicker, working phones of our generation. The latest movie though didn’t have that problem, and actually had a debut of a sexy full touch screen device from Nokia.
Anyway, the Nokia Star Trek Micro Site
You’ve got:
- Downloadable Star Trek Screensavers (a slide show)
- Downloadable Star Trek Wallpapers which you can personalize with a particular Nokia Device
- A Nokia puzzle where if you get it right, you get to see a clip from the movie (my connection is dire and refuses to load it)
- A Trekkie info section about Earth, Vulcan and Romulus. (Didn’t know about the whole Romulans coming from Vulcan thing myself – bit of an interesting read)
Nokia still number 1 centuries on? It may seem so as Romulans have secured technologically advanced devices from the world's leading communications manufacturer, Nokia.
On a side note: If phone manufacturers were associated with a particular Star Trek Race/Faction, which would pair up?
A couple of my own thoughts:
- Nokia = Federation – they’re just everywhere catering to everyone, heading tech in some areas and severely lacking in others.
- Samsung = Borg. The federations biggest enemy; like Samsung, seem to be on a path of continuing innovation, integrating anything and everything to see what works, Symbian, WinMo, Android and a whole list of hardware changes.
I’d go on but damn, must continue avec revision. 🙁
Category: 5th Edition
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