

Video: Nokia N97 Scratch Test.

| June 22, 2009 | 0 Comments

The N97geeks are putting the Nokia N97 through a series of rigorous tests. The first looks at the N97’s ability to withstand scratches – something Nseries hasn’t really been known for with their surprisingly inadequate build quality. However, things are slowly changing; choice of materials are improving and slowly getting to the standard of Eseries.

The N97’s screen is tested with:

  • The stylus
  • A 10p coin (prob preferable to use a rougher penny or 2p)
  • A key


There are a couple of smears on screen but no permanent damage. Looks good on the durability front for the N97. We’ll have to wait and see how it turns out for N97 owners in real life pocket tests, and not just for the screen but for the rest of the surface of the N97.

Via Darla Mack


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Category: 5th Edition, Nokia, Nseries, S60, Symbian, Video

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