

Video: Nokia N97 Startup time (V10.0.009 and V10.0.012)

| June 26, 2009 | 0 Comments

This was just to test the startup time of the N97 (RM-505) on:

  • V10.0.009, 12-05-2009
  • V10.0.012, 15-05-2009

From pressing the button and getting the vibrate buzz to switching to the visible homescreen it’s about 28 seconds (and that’s pretty much the same over 3 repeats, on both firmware).

V 10.0.009, 12-05-2009


V 10.0.012, 15-05-2009


As for comparison, CNET did a test of the Palm Pre, iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS start up times:

  1. First is iPhone 3GS at 19 seconds
  2. Second is iPhone 3G at 48 seconds
  3. Third/last is the Pre at a painful 1 minute 46 seconds! Imagine being in an emergency and needing to turn it on?


The N97 did ok at 28 seconds. Previous S60 3rd edition phones (N93) were capable of sub 19 seconds on certain firmware. Fingers crossed we’ll see improvements in the next major firmware upgrade (V11.0.021) in terms of:

  • faster startup
  • bug fixes
  • new “features”/UI tweaks.

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Category: 5th Edition, MNB, Nokia, Nseries, S60, Symbian, Test, Video

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