

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hello 2010 and a new decade, goodbye 2009 and the noughties! [Every Nokia phone of the past decade]

| January 1, 2010 | Reply

Happy New Year!

It’s a fresh new year and the beginning of a new decade!

10 YEARS since 2000! How did that happen? Seemed like yesterday I was greeting the new millennium!

What’s really surprising is how fast and far technology in our mobile phones have come. In this decade we went from:

  • monochrome to colour
  • cameras and music players built in
  • keypad to touch
  • WAP to mobile broadband
  • Phone for calls and text to pocket computers that could make phone calls.

In their inception, each new feature was touted by pessimists as gimmicky – something that would not catch on. Who would want a colour screen? Who would take pictures with a phone? Why would you want a blue tooth? Who on earth would want a phone with no buttons? Who on earth wants email/web browsing on a phone?

Yet now, we take these pretty much for granted as a basic necessity for phones…

via 10 phones that defined a decade: Brief look at Mobiles and Nokia domination in the noughties

Below is an image of every single Nokia phone since 2000. They’re ordered in terms of announcement dates, most recent first (release dates….remembering delays, meh too much work :p). As you scroll down

  • How many of these phones have you owned?
  • How many of these phones can you remember without looking it up?
  • Do you remember friends/families who owned them? [for me, at least the first half, they kinda represent bookmarks in time, remembering friends in school who had those phones, families back in the Philippines who were just Nokia mad and always had a Nokia)
  • look at how many phones are being released each year, particularly 2000.
  • Check out some of the phones between 2002-2005 for those unconventional and striking designs.
  • Are the names significant enough to separate them into their proper categories of N/E/X /numbers series?

I wonder what the first phone to be announced by Nokia in 2010 will be?

Image compiled from GSM Arena’s Nokia database.


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Category: Nokia

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]