

Video: Doom on the N900

| January 11, 2010 | 17 Replies

Here’s a freebie game that’s popped up in my App Manager, “Doom”. The classic 3D first person shooter that has been played on just about every Nokia S60 and tablet, is also available for the N900.

The installation is simple; two clicks.

Doom on the N900 uses the keyboard for controls (arrows to move around, control to fire, space to open doors, and [,.] for side steps. You can also use the screen but over the keyboard is so much better (not to mention that with the screen, it keeps firing your weapon wasting your ammo).

Not sure what the key is though to switch weapon (after you’ve picked up another one that is), and also how to exit the game other than “power>end current task” or “power>phone” and then use the phone’s multitask button. Locking the screen doesn’t work either during game play.

Other than that, it’s quite a fun game for your N900.



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Category: Applications, Maemo, Nokia, Nseries, Video

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