Video: PhoneDog's Symbian^3 Video Demo with Nokia's David Rivas
You’ve probably seen this already as it’s starting to go Viral – Noah from PhoneDog has a video demo with a Nokia VP, David Rivas about Symbian^3.
- Sexified all black Symbian^3 phone (is this just a “container” phone to demo the UI or possibly a real upcoming handset? Note, the middle menu button flanked by call and end keys.)
- Symbian^3 will have more than 3 homescreens (Rivas says you can keep on adding more homescreen pages as you need – no users ever ask for more)
- Smoother looking more up to date interface
- Fingers crossed it actually does look like this (remember how the N97’s UI was supposed to be all flashy and ended up being far from that?)
- Another glimpse at REAL multitasking in action.
- David Rivas says they’ve been doing something unique of having been multitasking for 5 years. No, you’ve actually been multitasking for 8 years. Remember the 7650 from 2002?
- Multitouch zooming – Rivas glosses over this as just something on the tickbox list  (Note he mentions that multitouch will also be for resistive screens – not that I’d want that but there are still some stylus happy people)
- There’s still no sign of what the web browser will look like
The carousel multitasking is nice. But I don’t like it in terms of practicality/efficiency. I hope there’s a tile option soon. Palm’s similar cards has this linear multitasking and it feels absolutely stupid swiping card after card after card whereas I can just tap across a grid of 16 apps viewable at once with Maemo 5.
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