

Videos and Pics: Nokia N8 hands on (+ Comparison photos with iPhone 3GS)

| June 1, 2010 | Reply

Camb078 from has found and reuploaded a couple of Nokia N8 hands on videos.

Jump to 2:10 for some pinch and zooming. It looks much smoother from second attempt onwards.

Video playback is almost instant after pressing. No loading screen, just playback.


Also check out the N8 camera in action. 28mm wide angle, 16:9 photos lets you get more of your subject in frame.

Despite how close the N8 is to the keyboard, look how much is visible in view finder.

Not only that, the camera looks to be pretty fast at processing those larger images too.

In the second video below, it’s worth going to 00:50 for a short demo of the loudness of the N8 speaker. Bear in mind, the camera recording this probably has worse microphones than the N8 and so it might sound really harsh.

Browsing through menus looks a touch slower on this one. Around 0.4 seconds slower than I’d prefer. (Nowadays, we’re expecting practically instant navigation between menus)


And to top it off today, Camb078’s also found some N8 comparison pics with, what else, the iPhone 3GS.

Note that this is actually branded N8 and NOT C0. Maybe it’s the angle of the photo and the lighting, but there seems to be something wrong with the silver N8 as the bottom piece doesn’t match the rest of the device. via Via Tech.163


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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Video

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