

Video: Own Voice Competition: How good is your accent? (Your own or impersonation!)

| June 7, 2010 | 0 Comments


Nokia conversations are running an Accent Competition to celebrate their new “Own Voice” App to record your own voice packs for Ovi Maps Voice/Turn by Turn Navigation.

Check out this cool video above.  At first, the lady (Amy Walker) came across as pretty crazy (wasn’t expecting such contrast of accent, thought she was going loopy!), but after a second watch I found her really charming.

Amy has more youtube videos (from her own account amiablewalker and from Nok Conv)

I’m a sucker for foreign accents. I love listening to different accents and even attempting to impersonate them. When messing about in public, my friends and I have even been confused as natives of the accents we’ve been impersonating (even though my face sorta supposed to limit me only to the asian regions :p)

Totally love the variety of how spoken words even in same language (English) sounds so new with different dialects, be it between cities, counties or countries.

What accent do you have?

What accents do you love the most?

Can you impersonate any accents?



  • You’ll need the Own Voice app. Download from Ovi Store.
  • Once you’ve looked at the videos, or if you’re feeling confident enough, head straight over to Own Voice to get cracking on creating your Voice Pack.
  • On Friday we’ll be picking the top ten, and find out who is the Foreign Accent Cup Champion.
  • The prize? Oodles of Nokia goodies and the knowledge that you’ve mastered the art of accents.

A bit of housekeeping, when you submit a voicepack make sure you include ‘Accentcup’ in the description  and,then leave a note in the Conversations comments with your Twitter username, or alternatively send an email to, stating the name of the voicepack in the subject line. Bonza.

Amy Demo Reel:


Nokia conversations


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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Video

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]