

Nokia C3 is here!!!!

| June 9, 2010 | 3 Replies

pic via Gizmodo


Now you might be thinking oh god another humungous line for the iPad right. WRONG!!!!!!! these people are actually queuing up for the Nokia C3 yeah thats right the C3 not this, the Citroen C3

picture via

But this little baby here:

It of course the new Nokia C3 is actually a cute little phone I considered buying one when Nokia announced it but decided against it and choose the Nokia E72 instead but considering the amount of buzz Nokia can still generate (as evident in Indonesia ).

Wouldn’t it be cool if they released actual phones closer to when they are announced? I mean the N8 is generating some good hype but its still 3 MONTHS AWAY !!!

AARRGGGHH the agony, anyway Nokia can still create buzz which is sort of important with even Gizmodo having a post about them (They have been much more Pro Nokia since their iPhone 4 incident. Whereas before they were pretty much the nonofficial Apple Blog-  Check out their newer posts(via Gawker) such as “How Apple Tricks You“)

Anyway to find out more about the C3 head to the Nokia Product page here :

In the UK, The C3 will be available from 18th June.


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Category: Cseries, Event, Nokia, Photos

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Hey welcome and thank you for reading my post. Well I am a student based in the UK, and try to blog about Nokia as much as I can in my spare time. I am also on twitter where you can follow me @jwf90 or also the site @mynokiablog. You can also contact us with juicy tips or suggestions at tips(@)