

Video:Nokia Video Cuts – Automatic Keyframes for super quick searching within videos. V. cool Experimental prototype

| June 29, 2010 | 0 Comments

An experimental app from Nokia Research Centre, Beta Labs allows the automatic splitting of your videos into key frames thus making it really easy to find the thumbnail of a particular scene and quickly jump to it, instead of having to aimlessly drag the seek bar.

Whilst this would of course be useful for movies (though it doesn’t read .avi) this is even better for your own videos. If like me you may have a load of random videos on your phone, it’s hard to tell what’s actually in the video. This helps a lot by giving you a bunch of action thumbnails that happens within each video. Plus you don’t even need to open the video, as you can see in the screenshot above

The player itself, thumbnail scrolling and switching scenes is VERY fast.

You’ll need an Ovi Account to download it from Nokia Beta Labs


  • At first start up, it’ll compile videos you have on your phone. The time it takes will depend on the number of videos (and possibly how long they are).
  • Next start up is faster
  • Video browser page works in landscape or portrait but player is understandably in landscape
  • Player can automatically go into full screen, but just touching brings up the keyframes (video still plays) you can scroll and quickly switch to a new frame.
  • Not sure how it decides to split videos. I thought longer videos would have more splits but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Maybe it works out different looking scenes? Makes more sense this way.
  • Newer videos are at the top, when you scroll down a bar at the top moves like a seek bark filling up as you descend your video collection. Nice alternative to a scroll bar.
  • Has a somewhat strange scroll where if you scroll down and don’t touch it, it automatically scrolls back up. For some reason it has now switched to always scrolling down. hmmm….

Screenshot didn't get the player (came out black)


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Category: Nokia, Symbian

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