

Video: MeeGo on Nokia N900 (Slide/Swipe for multilanguage keyboard)

| July 3, 2010 | Reply

A couple of new N900 MeeGo videos, the first by BestBoyZde, the second from InoHacker.

  • From 2:42 we see the lock screen. This is quite different in that you move the lock button from its original location into the wallpaper.
  • 3:40 – SMS, contacts are picked up, new on screen keyboard pops up. Now this is really cool in that swiping it changes the keyboard orientation for different languages. No more having to go through options. Nice touch. I hope there’s more gesture based actions that prevents the need for menu digging.
  • Firefox mobile (fennec) browser (also seen in second video) still pre-alpha stuff, causing N900 to crash
  • I wish the quick shortcut bar at the bottom had more than 4 app icons. When in portrait, it could just scroll.


Shorter, slightly clearer vid.


BestBoyZde and InoHacker.


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Category: MeeGo, Nokia, Nseries, Video

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