

Video Advert: Nokia Messaging India Ad (E72)

| July 7, 2010 | 6 Replies

This advert is supposed to be airing in India right now. (Indian readers, have you seen it yet?) It’s an advert for Nokia Messaging and Eseries and uses Nokia’s slogan, “connecting people” and the imagery of the Nokia hands.

Business and personal life – for the up and coming, they don’t seem to go hand and hand. To chase new deals, new promotions, meet deadlines, the personal stuff (families, friends, hobbies) often takes a back seat.

They present the Nokia E72 as a solution, with up to 10 personal and business emails to keep you in touch so that “getting everything and not giving up a thing go hand in hand”.

Interesting how the child is the hotmail user. (It was my first email too)


Do you use Nokia Messaging? What about Ovi Mail?

I use gmail which Nokia messaging feeds to N97 and N900 and often my mails are picked up before GMAIL does in the browser. Anything that happens on one device is synced with all the others, read mail, drafts, sent, star etc. I pretty much rely on it for my reading all my mails now.


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Category: Advert, Nokia, Video

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