Leak of first Nokia MeeGo handset coming soon
I know this is sorta a weird post but today I was watching quite a lot of videos on the Nokia N900 and the Maemo platform and thought to myself DAMM WHAT A PHONE !!! and became really excited for some odd reason if only Nokia supported it a little more. Eldar promised a leak would appear soon, but considering he is sorta in trouble with Russian authorities and Nokia he might have changed his mind. Anyway with Nokia World just over a month away I cannot wait :-). Then I saw this tweet and thought I had to post it .
(UPDATE) According to Twitter and some knowledgable people the first leak of Nokia’s first Meego handset should be coming in the NEXT HOUR!!!!! I am shaking writing this
Who is really excited about Nokia’s first Meego ?? device and who is going to buy one ???
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