

Gallery: Nokia Store Philippines – Any Nokia Stores near you?

| July 30, 2010 | Reply

Hello All. Apologies for my lack of posting, I’ve been travelling and couldn’t get my mobile internet to work. Fortunately we’ve got an incredible group of guys here at who have kept things running smoothly (thanks guys!).

Yesterday afternoon, my cousin and I went for a stroll at the nearby mall to find a broadband stick and in the process came across a couple of Nokia Stores. (Ha, uber geek moment) There were many other places selling Nokias, either exclusively or with other phones but these stores might have been official Nokia ones. I haven’t seen a proper Nokia store since the flagship one in Regent Street, London. They have (small) one at pretty much every mall in the Philippines.

Prices for the same handsets vary, with as much as 27K PHP (around 400GBP) to 22K PHP (300GBP) for an unlocked N900.

I wish they used the N900 to demo that N900 video below.

Something I found really cool was what appeared to resemble the 1000heads logo.

At the adjacent mall there was another similar Nokia shop (similar design) but with a Nokia Care point right next to it.

Are there any Nokia-only stores near you? What stores do you get to see Nokia handsets on display?

I should be getting a broadband stick later to get some speedier web browsing so I can get some Nokia “news reporting” done. I’ve got the N900 at the moment which is superbly acting as my modem – but Globe only has a 2G signal where we are (though miraculously and annoyingly becomes 3G as soon as we step off our property :p) Not a antenna issue, it’s the same for my cousin’s Sony Ericsson phone.

The Nokia people recommended I go with Smart for mobile internet but they were on the floor above and globe was on the same floor, so we just got some 3G mobile goodness from them instead.

I’m quite surprised how well 3G performs in general in the Philippines. Especially as since many people yet do not use mobile internet as avidly here as they do in Britain, so the internet tubes aren’t so clogged and the speed with 3.5G is quite respectable (I’ll have to get some speed tests done)

I was really happy that skype was working flawlessly over 3G. I set up Skype (downloaded from Ovi Store) on some S60 handsets of my friends and family back home so I could contact them from phone to phone. Much cheaper than paying for international calls, no (not paid a cent so far except for the internet, which is pretty cheap for a short stay thing)


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Category: Nokia

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]