

Star in a bedroom scene with Pamela Anderson and the Nokia N8: N8 Video shoot with Pamela Anderson and Ed Westwick

| September 7, 2010 | 0 Comments

–Apologies again for the late posting on this story. I meant to write about it just before my flight at the waiting lounge but began boarding and before I knew it I was back in UK with jet lag.–

Any way, in case you some how missed it – Nokia have a new campaign whereby they show off the Nokia N8’s camera and video capabilities by using the N8’s camera to shoot THE Pamela Anderson and for the ladies, a guy named Ed Westwick (from Gossip Girl apparently). But what’s more, you could get to be in a scene with either one of these ‘A-listers’ – A bedroom one with Pam or an Elevator shot with Ed.

This is for a film called “The Commuter” which will be shot entirely with the Nokia N8. This is something I really wanted Nokia to do. Just get people to know your product. It doesn’t matter if it isn’t the first or technically the best (though you could strongly argue this point for the N8 camera) just let people know and associate your product with a currently trendy feature that you do well.

For more info and a chance to win a cameo visit or Lucky cameo winners also get to go to their film’s London premiere in October.

Here’s the remaining excerpt from the Nokia Press

Commenting on the new film, Pamela Anderson says: “I’m really excited about the film and can’t wait to get on set.  I don’t want to give too much away, but my scenes are shot in a bedroom and I’m looking forward to going back to my Finnish roots and sharing my bed with a Nokia N8!”

The short feature is being directed by one of the UK’s hottest upcoming directorial pairings, the McHenry Brothers, who have just finished work on their first feature length film, Jack Boots on Whitehall, featuring Ewan McGregor, Rosamund Pike, Richard E Grant and Timothy Spall.

John Nichols, head of marketing at Nokia UK, said: “We wanted to create something very special for the launch of the Nokia N8 that showcases the Hollywood quality of its camera. The boldness of the campaign reflects the boldness of the device itself.  This is all about accessible, fun technology for people to use and enjoy; and that anybody can be a star.”

The Nokia N8 is launching soon and is designed to intuitively connect to the people, places and services that matter most. With the Nokia N8, people can create exciting content, connect to their favourite social networks, and enjoy on-demand Web TV programs and Ovi Store apps. The Nokia N8 boasts a 12-megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss optics, Xenon flash and a sensor rivalling those found in compact digital cameras. Additionally the Nokia N8 enables everyone to bring out their inner film director by recording HD-quality videos and edit them with an intuitive, built-in editing suite.

To find out more information or how to enter please visit: /

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Category: Nokia, Nseries

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