

HD Video: Nokia C3 touch and type, Hands on with the latest S40 touch and type hybrid.

| September 16, 2010 | Reply

A cousin of the Nokia X3 touch n type; the Nokia C3. Beautiful stainless steel, very slim figure and a hybrid touch/keypad input. Surprisingly, the screen (resistive) was very, very sensitive. The interface is truly hybrid, with interaction requiring cooperation of both touch and keypad input. It feels great in the hand. Software wise, oddly it felt quite optimized for the hybrid experience. Loving the big font.

This is the younger brother of the popular QWERTY C3, but with touch and a standard t9 keypad.  YES, also called C3.

[youtube=]When I said Iwanted Nokia names to be preserved to build on a reputation, I meant when  one phone is discontinued.


Category: Nokia

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