

Mega Gallery: Live photos of the Nokia C7 frosty metal (white/silver), charcoal black and mahogany brown (and C7 product managers).

| September 18, 2010 | 0 Comments

Here’s a gallery of basically the white, black and brown C7. Above photo are the product managers for the C7 who were very helpful in demoing the device (there’s another C7 post coming up with a feature that surprised me, but that’s another time).

C7 felt great in the hand. The white C7 was a bit too shiny for me but it did look really nice. The screen was great and very responsive with the handset itself feeling built like a tank. The shell is pretty much all stainless steel except the end cap for the antenna (it is afterall a phone which needs to make calls/text/data connection).

Anyway, here’s the gallery.


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Category: Cseries, Nokia

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