

Video: Split Screen Nokia N8 versus iPhone 4 video (and audio) test

| October 7, 2010 | 0 Comments

Here’s a video comparison of the Nokia N8 and the iPhone 4 split screen style by BesteProduct.

Is that really the N8? I didn’t realise it was that good in comparison to iPhone 4.

What’s with that murkiness on the iPhone 4 – it seems rather washed out in this test.

Interestingly they also switch audio in between the iPhone 4 and the Nokia N8.

Compared to Nokia N8, iPhone 4 audio recording is absolutely PANTS. But pretty much all others are pants compared to Nokia N8’s audio (which is unlike others in real stereo)

Hit 720p and get your speaker system (or headphones going).


via BesteProduct.

Oh, whilst you’re here, check out this N8 shot video again by topolino70. Absolutely beautiful. If you pause at any moment, it’s as if they’re photographs.(close up shots done by magnifying glass though hacks have been done by hyperX to achieve continuous autofocus during video recording)


Holy Crap, awesome work @PhoneDaz and team :D. Let’s all just ignore the crazy rants that “N8 cam is mediocre or just above average quality – not something others should strive for” or words to that effect. Time and time again users around the world are proving the effort of Damien Dinning and team has been totally worth it.


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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Video

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