

720p Video: Very weird unboxing (smashing) of the Nokia N8 – filmed by the Nokia N8

| October 10, 2010 | 12 Replies

As “UNBOXINGS” go, this is one of the weirdest ones I’ve ever seen. But hey, kudos to N8 for inspiring even crazy people to unbox it on camera and later getting them decent any time/anywhere HD cams to share their craziness world wide.

The guy, aptly named Mr Tard Mo has uploaded a couple of vids shot by his new N8 which he’s gone (even more) crazy for. At one point, the N8 box is SMASHED by a sledge hammer. Don’t worry though, there’s no N8 inside.


And here’s the same crazy biker guy using a Takegawa 194 as a hair dryer.




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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Unboxing, Video

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