

Gallery: Nokia N8 versus Fuji Finepix F30 (and Motorola Zn5)

| October 12, 2010 | 0 Comments

When everyone else was doing 10MP, Fuji were one of the few companies that forcibly stuck to the lower megapixel ranges in an attempt to make the best use out of each and every pixel. Their early finepix models were spectacular, particularly in low light, with low noise in high ISO in comparison to their competitors who sought to attract the naive public with the megapixel race. This is a touch like Nokia with the N86 8MP. They only moved up when they were ready for it, and boy have they shown folks that they’re ready.

The 6.3MP Fuji still seems to pack a lot more punches than other cameras the N8 has out performed. The N8 though is able to hold its own. This is again from vnvas at



The Gallery below also includes some shots by the Motorola Zn5

vnvas at

Thanks to Stylinred for the heads up to You can share your Nokia findings there or via (The latter possibly received faster) Thanks 😀


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Category: Nokia, Nseries

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